We are SaddleBrooke TWO. This is our identity.

We are SaddleBrooke TWO.
This is our identity.

Our identity is the foundation for everything we say, do, and are.


(for official use only)


SB2 Colors

SB2 Colors

Our Core Color Palette

Unmistakable teal, black, and white define SaddleBrooke TWO’s core identity. These colors, just like our signature Mountain Range icon, form the foundation of our visual language. By deploying this consistent and distinctive palette, we reinforce the iconic and recognizable essence of SaddleBrooke TWO in every interaction. Together, these colors embody the spirit and integrity of our brand, making them undeniably and unmistakably ours.

Brand Standards

SB2 Typography

SB2 Typography

Typography: Classic Meets Modern

Consistent use of typography is critical to bringing a brand to life. To complement the SaddleBrooke TWO logotype, we rely on a mix of typefaces, which will be able to flex for SB2’s communication needs. Serif type pairings coexist harmoniously.

Primary Fonts (when available)

Interstate & Termina (available via Adobe Fonts)

Secondary Fonts

When our primary fonts are unavailable, approved alternatives are available that do not require Adobe licensing. These accessible options ensure brand consistency while accommodating various platforms and tools. Please refer to the list of approved fonts to maintain a cohesive and professional appearance across all communications.

League Spartan (Available Here) & Public Sans (Available Here)

If unable to use any of the above fonts only Verdana and Aptos should be used.

SB2 Lockups

SB2 Lockups

Primary Lockups

Our custom-drawn logotype is inspired by our mountain-filled vistas as a modern interpretation. It possesses a wide stance and an even rhythm, giving it a feeling of imposing stature. As we use the logotype and associated lockups, SaddleBrooke TWO will portray the perfect blend of our desert surroundings and modernism.

Marks and logos are for authorized use only. No club/guild or non HOA2 sponsored event may use the HOA2 logo / brand

SaddleBrooke - Logos

Mountain Icon

Official SB2 Logo without Small Text

(For Use in almost all formats)

Official SB2 Logo with Small Text

(For Use only in Official Communication and Documentation)

Untitled Basic Web Content

Our Sub Brands

For More information on our sub brands or for colors/fonts email [email protected]